Your product page links are in the sidebar –>

At the moment all the page links go to the wrong place.

So if you have a new activator, or experience that redirection, please email me and I'll email you a direct link to the activator.

I apologize for this... I have no idea why the site behaves this way... very weird.
All paid products are linked from the sidebar. Please click the link and get your product.

  1. If you didn't complete your registration, you'll need to wait for me to do it for you
  2. If you didn't confirm your email, please confirm it. The email might go to your spam folder
  3. If you are a first-time customer, I need to manually approve your purchase so you don't buy something that won't work for you. If I deem your purchase inappropriate, I'll refund your money in full

If you don't see your purchased product, the above is the reason... So email me or wait. Please.

You need to be logged in to see the links. log in in the sidebar...

If you find something amiss, not working, etc. please immediately email me
sophie at

19 thoughts on “Your product page links are in the sidebar –>”

  1. Why can’t I log in? When I try to log in I get the message that there are no member with that name or password.

    How can I get my audio?

    Kindest regards

    AnnKristin Eriksson

    1. I don’t know. I have checked and your username is correct, and I made sure that your password is what you say it is.

      Please make sure that you don’t capitalize anything: website usernames and passwords are case sensitive.

      For your information, I just logged in with your username and password, so please try again.

    1. Please read your email. You bought a product that is not a good match for you, so I am not releasing it to you. You can get the harmonize your vibration, that is a better match and cost the same

  2. I just paid and purchased your audio and completed registration but unable to find the link which contains my product.

    1. when you buy a new product, but you already are a member on a site, you are supposed to use the “already member” link and log in to activate the new item

  3. Hello:
    I just ordered the HOE product, I’m a new member and have registered, however I’m not able to sign in. The message “wrong email” keepers popping up. Please advise. Also, does this come with instructions. Thank you and kind regards.

    Thank you for your contribution to humanity.

      1. Hello

        I received your emai, thanks for replying. I tried once again to log in but was not able to do so. The message is saying the user and password are not correct. So I requested a change in password and it still is not working. Pls advise. Thank you

        1. I have tested your login, and it works. Please pay attention that all is in lower case, not how you normally write your name.

  4. Hi Sophie I am logged in and searching for my download. Perhaps it is just me or it may have something to do with the fact that this all new to me , but I can’t find my download.

    1. You won’t like the answer, Inga. By being aware and conscious enough to notice that after you paid, the web took you to a registration page…
      I will do it manually for you, and will send you your login credentials. Let’s hope that using the activator you’ll get more aware and more conscious.

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